This broken system :(

Unfortunately, the system promotes those who can and will perpetuate the system… a real Catch 22 situation! The leaders and others in charge can't or won't endanger their source of illusory power, even if that might be harming them or their own. That is why we should cherish selfless leaders!

Just look at how the powers-that-be scramble around to defeat democracy (read populism), and try to make sure the common man can't affect the system. Keep them stupid, ignorant, irrelevant, poor, and unhealthy.

I look around and despair to see regulators in bed with the ones they are supposed to police

Of Heroes and Whores

This toxic culture has seeped into and infected just about every other market too. Senior Executives seem to be bent on making a fast buck and get out as quickly as possible. Their decisions do not seem to be in the best interest of the companies which employ them or their customers. What I don't understand is the collusion of Politicians and Regulators!

Bankers who went to Jail

Q: How many Regulators (and/or Politicians) does it take to jail a Banker?
A: None, because they are all wolves in sheeps' clothing. Bought, paid, and staffed by/of/for the bankers.

Sunk Cost Fallacy

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."

Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results each time.

Change can be hard to digest for most of us, perhaps hardest for the decision makers! And so we continue to trundle down the same road, kicking the can ever further, hoping that the next turn might wipe out our past mistakes. Meanwhile, the present becomes the past rapidly.

Dumping ever more energy, resources, money, etc. into a failing project exponentially increases… insanity/risks! And continues feeding dodgy suppliers and predators.

When is a good time to cut our losses?

Future has been Re-priced

Only accountable to you-know-who, the Central Bankers are not accountable to anyone else, least of all those they'd would never meet. Their priority seems to be inflating the stock-market booms.

Next Crisis more difficult to tackle

Continuing my review on this series[1]… Their next article is mostly bankster propaganda and their wants, penned by anonymous ;) I try pick up what I think matters.

Yes, the banksters managed to shift their risks to everyone else and socialise their losses! Now, how can they do this again?

Populism: Far Left and Far Right

The financial crisis happened a few years before Lehman bust. All signs pointed towards a massive bust up. Yet the powers that be, kept talking them up. Did they really think they could fool all the people all the time?

We seem to be heading into similar territory. This last decade has been a lost decade. Yet they seem to trumpet how wonderful the financial booms have been, ever since. Yes, exactly! Which ones? The only booms happened to the banksters laughing all the way to their banks bailed out by an ignorant taxpayer led by Central Bankers cartel and incompetent Politicians.

Is it any wonder that people do not trust the powers that be or the ones apparently in charge?

Banks are safer but debt is a danger

Banks are safer? Safe…er not safe! The dangerously exponential leveraged bad debt, hidden away in complexity/opaque instruments by creative accounting techniques, does not just disappear into thin air.

Pyramid Schemes have a problem. The problem is that the scheme cannot go on forever. No wealth has been created

So little has changed since the Financial Crash

There seems to be a view that the financial crisis was a failure of the free markets. But we have never had free markets yet. Powerful market makers, vested interests and politically influential insiders have always covertly controlled the supposedly free markets. Nothing happens without their permission.

Lessons of the Financial Crisis

I suspect we might never learn any lessons from this or any other financial crisis. Or rather we might, but never put into practice. The greed and hubris surrounding making money by hook or by crook has always been there since time immemorial.

I am considered a successful human being, if I accumulate wealth beyond what any of my neighbours have… irrespective of whether I need any of that wealth or not. If wealth be considered finite, then I could only become richer by making my neighbours poorer. Now imagine an entire society trying to do this to each other!

When humanity defines success by the accumulation of wealth, what is lost is humanity itself. Why should it be ok to hoard wealth beyond what a man can ever spend in his lifetime? Not only is it ok, it is celebrated.

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