Legacy of the Global Financial Crisis

The global financial crisis was nothing more than a "Crisis of the banksters, by the banksters, for the banksters". Their ivory towers were tumbling down. Their world had to be saved. Their exponentially leveraged losses had to be taken off their balance sheets. Their lavish parties could be ending… Everyone else had to feel their pain too.

The capitalists spectacularly exploited every opportunity that followed, by socialising yet more of their private losses… and continued laughing all the way to their yet more profitable shadow banks. Ably led (& fed) by the Central Bankers cartel, they continue to party on…

Financial crisis: Are we safer now?

The FT has always been a mouthpiece of the establishment/elites who term anything against their vision as populism. I don't completely agree with the FT slant, but they do sometimes make interesting insights.

They are truly deluded, if they think the Financial Crisis occurred in 2008. By then, the endgames were well in play.

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