Architecture Consolidation


If each of your businesses and business units "are following certain Architecture framework and have implementation using the defined architecture", then I would say that you have won the war. You are only left with the small battles. It doesn't matter what framework you are using. All the frameworks do is provide you a view of the existing data.

My understanding of the answers you are looking for are:

1. Translating or transforming your data held in one framework to another should be relatively easy, as long as you have all the i's dotted and t's crossed. If you find it difficult, use a tool. We use Casewise, which provides various plug-ins for various frameworks. Use the appropriate plug-in, and you see your architecture in a familiar framework. You are not changing the data, only the view.

2. Ahh.... Now, this is the crux of Enterprise Architecture - consolidate, rationalise and standardise. If you have completed the Enterprise Architecture, it should have laid out your to-be enterprise, with an understanding of where your execs want to take the business. If you have EAs for each SBU, lay them side-by-side or in layers one-on-top, which should straight away tell you what you need.

3. Do your Gap Analysis. I prefer the top-down approach. Identify the changes needed to your Business Architecture, which should drive the changes necessary to your Information Architecture, which should drive the changes required to your Technology Architecture, and so on...

Kind regards,

On Sep 29, 7:25 am, Benjamin wrote:

> Hi,

> I am having this thought for quite a long time, regarding Architecture
> Consolidation for a large Enterprise (Having multiple sub-
> organizations under its arm).

> I would like to have inputs on the ways and means for Architecture
> Consolidation. Let me give the scenario - An Enterprise X has multiple
> sub-division across the globe. These sub-divisions (A small
> organization in its own way) are following certain Architecture
> framework and have implementation using the defined architecture. Now
> for Enterprise X, it has multiple Architecture framework spread
> across.

> My question to all:
> 1. How can Enterprise X plan to have Architectural Consolidation so
> that all its child organization follow same Architectural framework
> 2. How can Enterprise X address the difference among Architecture?
> 3. If there is any agreement for Common Architecture, then how one
> should plan for the migration to the new Architecture

> Thanks;
> Benjamin

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